Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week 4 Pickoff

NY Jets
Green Bay
New Orleans
San Diego
New England


NY Jets
Green Bay
New Orleans
St. Louis
San Diego

Green Bay
St. Louis
New Orleans
San Diego

Season Total:
Bob Cobb: 31-17 (10-6 last week)
FDR: 30-18 (10-6 last week)
Smuckers: 26-22 (11-5 last week)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hype Machine

In between mocking the NFC West, Sports Guy dropped a random line about Jay Pharoah having a better career on SNL than Eddie Murphy. Given that Eddie Murphy singlehandedly saved SNL for three years after the iconic original cast left and the last black guy SNL hired made his name on Nickelodeon, that claim seemed highly dubious.

I'm not ready to agree with the SG, but this guy can do some serious impressions. I'm sure the hip, urban SNL writers like Seth Myers will utilize his talents well by sticking him in a 12:45 am sketch and leaving the Obama impression to the ex Mr. Peggy Olson.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 3 Pickoff

NY Giants
San Francisco
New England
San Diego
Green Bay

Franklin D. Romanowski:

Kansas City
New England
New Orleans
San Diego
Green Bay

Kansas City
New England
New Orleans
Michael Vick!
San Diego
New York
Green Bay

Season Total:
Bob Cobb: 21-11 (10-6 last week)
FDR: 20-12 (11-5 last week)
Smuckers: 15-17 (8-8 last week)

Philadelphia - Always Classy

The professional journalists at the New York Daily News put together this photo essay that brings out nostalgia for any Philly sports fan. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Anatomy of a Play

While I had not planned to lament this weekend's football actions, my fans demanded more, so I'm back for another round. Let's go right to the videotape.

Notre Dame - Michigan State

There's many ways to lose a football game, and over the last few years of watching Notre Dame and the 49ers, I've seen a lot of these variations. However, around 11:50 pm last Saturday, I saw a new one: The Fake Field Goal in Overtime. While the game had numerous ups and downs and I could point blame at many people, I'll just focus on the play.

1. The Defense Called.
As TMQ pointed out, the odds at this point in the game skewed towards ND. Yes, MSU's kicker had made 4 field goals the game before, but there's a huge difference between kicking against Florida Atlantic and kicking to save the game on national TV. Furthermore, college kicker are significant worse than NFL kickers, so the odds he makes a 46 yard field goal, outside, on grass are 50/50 at best (I would best the numbers are even less), and at worst, Notre Dame would have the advantage in the 2nd OT, as they would get the ball second.

With all of that going on, why even bother rushing the kicker? The odds are great enough that college players will do something stupid and get a roughing the kicker penalty (ND had already committed a stupid, though questionable clipping penalty at the end of the game that kill a chance to ice the game before overtime) and rarely do kicks get blocked from the side rusher (more often, the block comes from a defensive lineup getting a push up the middle and getting a hand up). So while the fake was obviously a gusty and unexpected call, the decision to even have players rushing needs to be questioned.

2. The Scheme of the Play

Kelly swore after the game that the team knew about a potential fake, as MSU had run the exact play in their bowl game last year. If that's really the case (and I have serious doubts), then the Domers' special teams coordinator needs to have his head examined. The defensive play had Notre Dame's best cornerback (who's probably good enough to get draft in the mid-rounds next year) cover the kicker, while their safety covered the TE man to man, and their slower middle linebacker (the one who almost lost his job in training camp because his pass coverage wasn't good enough) cover MSU's fast freshman RB.

Neither of these players are very "athletic". Would someone ever scheme such a defense in a regular play (you can replace kicker with slow, skinny, unathletic fullback)? Of course not. Again, we'll never really know of that was the schemed response to the fake, but either way, it was poor coaching. Of course, ND Nation was promised better with a new regime. So far, not so good.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Much Faster and Slightly Less Accurate

than DMac, Michael Vick, in his prime, was the best athlete to ever play the quarterback position. And watching him play the last two weeks, if he's not quite the specimen he once was he's pretty darned close. The Eagles offensive line is beyond terrible. They weren't any good to start with , and once J Jackson got lost for the year at center look out. The defense is awful as well, but that's a subject for another post.
Considering how well Vick played (and the likelihood of this being an at best mediocre season for the birds), if Reid put him back on the bench he'd have a quarterback controversy for the rest of the year. This way, if Vick falters or gets hurt, Reid can go back to Kolb without worrying about any fan or player fallout. It's an unfortunate situation for Kevin, who is probably still having nightmares about forcing the ball into double coverage in Green Bay, but Smuckers understands.
What Smuckers does not understand is why Reid all but announced that Kolb would start on Monday, allowed Kolb to give a news conference under the context that he was still the guy, then pulled the rug out from under him on Tuesday. My guess is that Vick so far has so drastically outperformed expectations, and Kolb was so clueless and terrible in the preseason and against Green Bay, that the more footage Andy watched the more he sat there chewing on the end of his fabulous grey and red moustache. People like to talk about how Kolb only had a 3o min audition, but they didn't score a single first team offensive touchdown in the entire postseason.
Still, how hard would it have been to just pretend Kolb's head was still bothering him? At least for another week to see if Vick can keep this up? That would have saved everyone what's turning into a terrible public relations headache, no pun intended. And it's a shame to throw a good guy under the bus in this manner.

PS This offensive line is going to get someone killed eventually, regardless of who plays QB.

Breaking News

Michael Vick has been named the permanent starting quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. I'll be back with more comments as soon as I have some time to digest this development. In the meantime, please enjoy this clip I've been meaning to post for a few days. Hopefully it will get Bob Cobb off of suicide watch.

Mr. Met Can't Take It Anymore

Matt Simon does a nice job in this blog post. The Mets have given up a major-league high 12 grand slams this year. They have hit none. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, no team in baseball history has finished a season with a variance of 12. The most shocking stat in this article is that since 2008, the Mets are hitting .218/.254/.338 with the bases loaded. That is embarrassing. In a situation that is grossly favoring the hitter, the Mets collapse. Sound familiar? Here are the Mets grand slam totals the last 4 seasons: 2009 - 4, 2008 - 4, 2007 - 0, 2006 - 10. I think we all know how well those seasons ended. Ugh.

Oh and on another note, here is another lovely NY Post article about our GM situation.

Matt Diaz 1, Red Man 0

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Best A Man Can Get

How funny is it to see this ad now that all 3 of these guys are somewhat washed up?

Tiger Woods requires no introduction. It will be interesting to see how he plays on the Ryder Cup team in October.

Thierry Henry, who used to be a stud striker for Arsenal and Barcelona, recently joined the New York Red Bulls of Major League Soccer. In the 2010 World Cup, he only played 53 minutes for the grouchy French team. He did play a "hand" in France's invitation to the World Cup when he used his hand and forearm before scoring in the 103rd minute of a tie game against Ireland. There was no penalty called.

Roger Federer has not defeated Rafa Nadal in a grand slam final since Wimbledon in 2007. The 2008 Wimbledon final was one of the greatest matches ever and the 2009 Aussie final left Fed in tears. Fed used to be an incredible closer - but the 2009 US Open final and the 2010 US Open SF proved that he isn't the intimidating force he once was. I don't think he'll ever beat Rafa in a big match again.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 2 Picks

Kansas City
Green Bay
New England
San Diego
New Orleans

FDR's Picks:

Kansas City
Green Bay
New England
San Diego
New Orleans

Green Bay
St. Louis
New England
San Diego

Last week:
Bob Cobb: 11-5
FDR: 9-7
Smuckers: 7-9

**Job Posting**

For those of you looking for work, here's a classy organization that needs you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christmas Comes Early

demotivational posters - SQUEEZ BACON

This may be a joke but if so not for long. I'm going to invent it. Think about the untapped market here. All I need are some capital contributions from you folks. Any takers? Going once, going twice...

Week 2 Lock

Ohhhhhh baby! The Skins are back!

I just booked a Super Bowl trip to Dallas since I'm convinced we (yes, it's a collective we) are running the table, securing a first round bye, and Trail of Tears-ing to the Dallas.

And yet, the Skins are three point dogs. At home. Against the Texans. C'mon, I can't stay away from that. The Texans are coming off their Super Bowl. They were amped up for a home game against their division rival Colts, and now they will fall back to earth. It's only natural. There is no way they'll be excited to travel to DC after such a big game.

The Skins do have some serious offensive problems, I will admit that. I don't see us scoring more than two offensive touchdowns in most games. Howevvahh, our defense is so good, it won't matter. The Redskins just held a team with as many offensive weapons as the Texans to seven points. That's why REDSKINS +3 are my lock o' the week.

There is probably no better value than a home dog with a good defense. Teams with good defenses will always have a chance, and if they are playing at home, it's even an even better shot at covering. Home dogs will be a common theme in pick o' the weeks. Stay tuned.

Last Week: 1-0 (Chiefs +4.5)
Season: 1-0

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quick Thoughts

Like Pat Benatar coming out for 1 more song, I had to come out for my fans and finish off my last post. So without further adu,

Celebrity Sightings

Since Mr. Cobb has made a habit of dropping names like Page 6, I wanted to share that I'm at least 82% I saw former Treasurer Secretary, Goldman Sachs partner and overall fallen star Robert Rubin at the airport. I can tell you Mr. Rubin likes pretzel sticks and apparently has no friends because he didn't talk to one person in the 2 hours I was there. As everyone was grounded by thunderstorms, I had the urge to ask him if we needed to exposure ourselves more to risk by flying, but obviously didn't have the balls. I'll admit seeing Mr. Rubin the Delta Shuttle terminal with every quasi-suave European businessman was surprising. Apparently that Citibank stock isn't doing so well.


As documented early today, my perfect football weekend was capped by losing by .06 of a point in fantasy league. While there are many sources to blame for my defeat (the Bengals, for giving up 2 return touchdowns and keeping Brady off the field; myself, for drafting with emotion and getting Mr. Preseason, Michael Crabtree; Jesus), I'm going to blame a familiar source: Charlie Weis.

After floundering for the last 3 years as coach of Notre Dame, Mr. Weis (with a massive payout) took his ample carriage to call the plays in Kansas City. However, despite Charlie's propensity for throwing and calling over-complicated plays, I thought I was safe with Jamaal Charles running for 70 yards and a touchdown in the first half. Foolishly, I assumed that the Chiefs would use the guy who produced only their good offensive play more in the 2nd half. Nope. Instead, the powers that be decided that it would be better to use Thomas Jones (a man so well regarded that the Jets cut him and sign LT and his now 4.9 40 time).

Nevertheless, with 5 minutes to go, I simply needed 1 yard to take the lead. With the Chiefs up 7 points, it was a safe assumption they would be running. Yet, senor Weis thought he would fool the Chargers by going in the shotgun on 3rd and 3, even though everyone knew the run was coming. So, with 1 yard between me and victory, Charles got 0. Would the Chiefs made the first down in a goal line set? Probably not, but at least they wouldn't have looked stupid and I would have won my game.

An completely apropos way to finish this weekend. You win, Mr. Weis. You always do.

The Love Doctor

K-Rod and Tiger should co-author a book about how to woo women via the text message. Take a look at some of these gems.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Deja Vu

Dear Loyal SAFB Readers:

I apologize greatly for my delay in blogging, but I'm sure I'll make it up with the bitterness and venom loaded in the post below. Let's go right to the action and see how history does repeat itself.

Michigan - Notre Dame

First off, hats off to Denard Robinson. The guy's a stud. If he can stay healthy, he's the best offensive player in the Big Ten (including Prior). Running Rich Rod's innovative 4th grade offensive (put your best player at QB and let him do everything), he single-handed won the game. If Michigan had a kicker or an offensive line that knew how to hold and get away with it, the game would have never been close.

However, as much as Shoelace deserves credit, the blame equally goes to the Irish. After looking like a real football team last week, the Irish looked eerily like the team I've watched the last two years. And Brian Kelly, for all his talk about a new culture and new team, did alot of Charlie-like moves. Let's review some of them.

1. Not having backup QBs ready.
Classic Charlie move. The 2007 season debacle started in 2005-6, when Charlie was too busy dry humping BQ to play any reserves and then realized his team wasn't ready. Brian wasn't suppose to be like that. He constantly preaches about "next man in" on his team and that he won with 5 QBs at Cincinnati. Well BK had his chance on Saturday to show his stuff, and wow, what a disaster. I'm pretty Joe Montana (who's so crippled by football he can't play golf) would have done better than his son. Everyone knows their backups are either very young, talentless or both, but there should have been some safety package of plays for them to run. Not "let's run the same offense at 25% and wait for Michigan to pick them off."

2. Overly aggressive playcalling
Remember how Charlie got ripped for passing on 2nd and 3rd down in last year's Michigan up 3? At least he didn't run a flea-ficker with a freshman throwing his 1st pass EVER from his own 20. No wonder his body language looked bad on the sideline afterward. Even better was the decision to go for TD with 3 seconds left in the half. Montana had looked awful most of the game, but got lucky with Michigan's DBs going to sleep in a Hail Mary situation. Instead of taking the easy 3, Kelly rolled the dice and went for the TD. Not surprisingly, Montana put the throw in the 5th row. Good thing those 3 points didn't come back to haunt them (unless you consider how that would have entirely changed the last 5 minutes of the game).

3. Throwing Players Under the Bus
This is more of a Charlie/JC move. Going into halftime (after not Joe Jr. airmailed the goalpost), NBC sideline reporter asked Kelly what he could do to help his young quarterbacks. His answer: Nothing. They have to execute better. The coaches can't make the plays for them.
Nice leadership, Coach.

4. Watching the Defense Cave Late
If anything defined the last 2 years under Charlie, it was the inability to close games out, especially on the defensive side. Again, Kelly spent the whole offseason talking about how his players were going to compete for four quarters, how his teams were 22-1 when leading in the 4th, etc... Well, sure enough, Kelly had a change to prove how his team was different this year, and shockingly, nothing has changed. Instead of scoring with 11 seconds left, Michigan scored with 20 seconds left. That's definitely something to hang your hat on.

49ers - Seahawks

I could spend hours talking about how this was suppose to be the year the 49ers finally make it back to the playoffs. How everyone from Peter King to the Sports Guy to Bob Cobb thinks they're going to win worst division in the history of American sports. How, between playing the NFC West twice and the AFC West, they have at least 8 incredibly winnable games on their schedule (every NFC West opponent twice plus Oakland and Kansas City). How, for the first time in his career, Alex Smith has the same offensive coordinator for two years in row. How, with 2 first round picks, the team drafted 2 offensive lineman to ensure they could run the ball. Instead, I'll just link this highlight. Good thing the defending SB Champs are coming to town to play on Monday Night and with 10 days to prepare. Is Shoelace draft-eligible yet?

Eagles - Packers

I'm not an Eagles fan so I won't go too long here. However, I have watch them enough to know they are an embarrassment on 3rd/4th down and shorts. Today was no different. I'm pretty sure Jerome Brown knew Dr. Doolittle was running a draw on 4th and 1, especially out of the shotgun with 2 TEs.

Roger Federer

For the 3rd straight slam, Sir Roger was so scared of playing Nadal that he choked before he could even face him. Federer-Nadal is the only match most people cared about, and Roger keeps dropping the ball. It can't be a rivalry if you don't actually play (remember those Dan vs. Dan Reebok commercials before the 92' Olympics. Roger's the Dan who choked and didn't even qualify for the Games.) Also, you can't really be the best player ever if you get challenged by somebody and you spent the last 5 years of your career avoiding them.

Phillies- Mets

I won't this on a downer. Sometimes history can be a good thing. Like Phillies making a big mid-season move and the guy steps up. Or the Mets being a bad team and even worse people (is Oliver Perez shy or does he just hate America?)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 1 Picks

Tampa Bay
New England
San Francisco
Green Bay
San Diego


St. Louis
Green Bay
San Fran
San Diego

FDR's picks:

New England
Green Bay
San Fran
San Diego

Week 1 Lock

My Week 1 stone cold, lead pipe lock-o'-the-week: Chiefs +4.5. The Chiefs open at home against the Chargers, who are historically slow starters under Norv Turner. The Chargers have struggled the last three seasons: they opened 1-3 in '07, and 2-2 in '08 and '09. I say they start slow again.

Plus, it's a Monday night game and Arrowhead should be a rockin', so the Chargers better not go a knockin'.

As for my Super Bowl pick? Skins over Browns. And by Super Bowl I mean Toilet Bowl.

NFL Predictions

Here are my "expert" picks for the 12 playoff spots. All predictions wrong or your money back.

1. Green Bay
2. Saints
3. Cowboys
4. 49ers
5. Giants
6. Falcons

1. Colts
2. Patriots
3. Ravens
4. Chargers
5. Steelers
6. Jets

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Greatest City on Earth...

In the fake news section of this blog: New York has been abandoned by its residents. What's the best way to get to Scottsdale, Arizona?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shooting the Moon

So tonight we return to the hearts table to play a few tricks and more importantly drink copious amounts of MGT. The Vegas lines are as follows:

Smuckers: 1 to 7
FDR: 7 to 1 (and at least 2 terribly selfish flings with her Majesty the Queen of Spades).
Puddy Island: 12 to 1
Bob to the Cobb: 1000000000000000000000000 to 1

Personally I think they need to add a couple more zeros before I'd place a penny on BC.