Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Much Faster and Slightly Less Accurate

than DMac, Michael Vick, in his prime, was the best athlete to ever play the quarterback position. And watching him play the last two weeks, if he's not quite the specimen he once was he's pretty darned close. The Eagles offensive line is beyond terrible. They weren't any good to start with , and once J Jackson got lost for the year at center look out. The defense is awful as well, but that's a subject for another post.
Considering how well Vick played (and the likelihood of this being an at best mediocre season for the birds), if Reid put him back on the bench he'd have a quarterback controversy for the rest of the year. This way, if Vick falters or gets hurt, Reid can go back to Kolb without worrying about any fan or player fallout. It's an unfortunate situation for Kevin, who is probably still having nightmares about forcing the ball into double coverage in Green Bay, but Smuckers understands.
What Smuckers does not understand is why Reid all but announced that Kolb would start on Monday, allowed Kolb to give a news conference under the context that he was still the guy, then pulled the rug out from under him on Tuesday. My guess is that Vick so far has so drastically outperformed expectations, and Kolb was so clueless and terrible in the preseason and against Green Bay, that the more footage Andy watched the more he sat there chewing on the end of his fabulous grey and red moustache. People like to talk about how Kolb only had a 3o min audition, but they didn't score a single first team offensive touchdown in the entire postseason.
Still, how hard would it have been to just pretend Kolb's head was still bothering him? At least for another week to see if Vick can keep this up? That would have saved everyone what's turning into a terrible public relations headache, no pun intended. And it's a shame to throw a good guy under the bus in this manner.

PS This offensive line is going to get someone killed eventually, regardless of who plays QB.

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