Monday, August 9, 2010

Mutual Hatred

While there may be few things the respective bloggers on this esteem site agree about, I'm confident there's at least one: A true and well-earned disdain for the Atlanta Braves. While the media can't contain themselves as they praise Bobby Cox and anoint Jayson Heyward the next Willie Mays, here's a few friendly reminders why this is not a likable team

1. Bobby Cox's Inconvenient History with His Wife.

Brett Myers did this and he was rightfully vilified. Why doesn't this get mentioned more with Bobby?

2. Chipper Jones's Inconvenient History with Hooters Waitresses.

In his defense, the chicken wings there are incredibly mediocre.

3. Troy Glaus-

Feel free to return that MVP trophy anytime, Troy. Also, we're all sure you supported bringing in Rick Ankiel.

4. Billy Wagner-

Here's some quick reminders of how clutch you are, Billy. But hey, you got booed once in Philadelphia, so we're the bad guys.

5. Underserving Fans.

Guess how many fans showed up on Thursday for the opener of the big Giants-Braves series? 24,500 or 49.3% of capacity according to I wouldn't be bothered, except the attendance was always mediocre in the 90s, when they had the most consistent team in baseball. Unless everyone became a Joe Johnson fan again overnight after his max contract, I'd say this fan base doesn't deserve a playoff series.

6. The Tomahawk Chop.

It's one thing to have a dumb, repetitive chant to keep your brainless fans interested in the game. It's another thing to have a team with a highly questionable nickname that is taken from an ethnic group that isn't supportive of the name. However, it's something special to combine the two into an obnoxious, offensive chant in an area of the country with a dubious history towards other racial groups.

Needless to say, this blogger will be staying above the Mason-Dixon line for the foreseeable future.


  1. As a fan of another team with an insulting name towards a racial group, I'm inclined to say "meh" to point #6.
