Monday, August 30, 2010

When I'm 64...

Your resident blogger partied away with Bill & Hillary Clinton last weekend. For Bill's 64th bday celebration, he decided to stop by the Georgica Association to stretch out his hips on the dance floor. Former Goldman Sachs partner Dan Neidich hosts an annual, over-the-top, ego-boosting party for his former GS cronies, A-list celebs, Democratic party fundraisers, us lowly Georgica members, and apparently former Presidents and Secretaries of State.
Security was tight as the dance floor was surrounded with guys with ear pieces (and presumably guns). Apparently other guests included Jimmy Buffet and John McEnroe, but sadly I missed John and Jimmy singing a duet of Margaritaville.


  1. First Rudy. Now Bubba and Hils. Who will Bob Cobb name-drop next?

  2. I'm very confused. What is the Georgica Association? It sounds like one of those non-profits funding Tea Party rallies.
